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RACQ LifeFlight Rescues Pregnant Woman from Floodwaters in Toowoomba

RACQ LifeFlight Rescues Pregnant Woman from Floodwaters in Toowoomba

Toowoomba, Jan 30 – A pregnant woman in labour, stranded by rising floodwaters in the Lockyer Valley region, was successfully airlifted to Toowoomba Hospital by the RACQ LifeFlight Rescue helicopter.

Rescue Drama and Service in Toowoomba

Queensland Ambulance Service faced road access challenges due to severe flooding, prompting the LifeFlight team’s intervention. With expert care provided by a veterinarian neighbour until the helicopter’s arrival, the expectant mother was stabilised and flown to the Toowoomba base.

Adverse weather conditions redirected the landing, but swift paramedic transfer ensured immediate care at Toowoomba Hospital.

This rescue underscores the vital role of emergency services during challenging weather events.