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Rural Rent Crisis: Urgent Action Needed as Toowoomba Faces Soaring Rents

Rural Rent Crisis: Urgent Action Needed as Toowoomba Faces Soaring Rents

National Regional Housing Summit in Focus

As regional rents surge, Toowoomba residents are grappling with a housing crisis that demands immediate attention.

A recent analysis by Everybody’s Home, ahead of the National Regional Housing Summit, exposes the top ten regional areas, including Southern Queensland, that have borne the brunt of escalating rents.

Toowoomba’s Dilemma: A Regional Snapshot

Southern Queensland has witnessed a staggering 16.7% increase in rents over the past year, translating to a significant $67 surge in weekly costs for tenants.

This alarming trend is not unique to Queensland; regional areas in Western Australia, Victoria, and South Australia have experienced double-digit percentage rises.

Everybody’s Home Advocates

Everybody’s Home spokesperson, Maiy Azize, emphasises the pressing need for increased social housing as a key solution.

To alleviate the housing crisis in regional Australia, Azize contends that an extra 227,000 social homes must be built in regional areas to meet the current demand, which is expected to grow in the next two decades.

Impact on Community and Essential Workers

Rising rents not only strain the pockets of residents but also threaten the very fabric of regional communities.

Essential workers find themselves struggling to secure housing, while long-time locals face the risk of being displaced.

Government’s Role: Time for Ambitious Action

As MPs, industry bodies, and not-for-profits converge in Canberra to discuss solutions, Azize calls for more ambitious plans to improve housing affordability nationwide.

The federal government, she argues, should redirect funds towards social housing, cease investor handouts, and collaborate with states and territories to curb unfair rent increases.

In the face of this escalating crisis, governments must heed the call for action and implement lasting solutions to ensure the stability and affordability of housing in Toowoomba and across Australia.